One line
Thu 06.02.
Theaterhaus, MDJ, P1

ABC of exclamations

ABC of exclamations

a performative video-sound-poem WP


Comic drawings: Kastuś Žhybul

Poetry: Vera Burlak

German translation: Thomas Weiler

Composition: Georgia Koumará

Animated film: Monika Nuber


For my son Kastuś and me, the search for exclamations for each letter became a fascinating game, and the creation of drawings and poems became an experience of openness, a reason to talk about things we might not otherwise have spoken about. A new level of inner freedom emerged.

(Vera Burlak)


The ABC of exclamations is an artistic interpretation of the Belarusian alphabet by poet Vera Burlak and her son Kastuś Zhybul (19), who lives with autism. The two have found an emotional exclamation for each sound of the 34 letters and transformed these exclamations into 34 storiesfantastic comic drawings by Kastuś, whimsical, funny, enigmatic poems by Vera. Stuttgart-based animation filmmaker Monika Nuber brings the comics into motion together with Kastuśś and Georgia Koumará embeds the walk-in installation in a 40-minute sound narrative. The result is an impressive plea for imagination, freedom and mutual attention.


The Belarusian poet and educator Vera Burlak uses the ABC of exclamations to respond to the restrictive and manipulative education system of post-Soviet autocracies, ‘which is still influenced by Soviet »collectivism«. A personality is only important if it can do something for the collective. And the complex and contradictory world of their feelings and emotions is more of a hindrance and is suppressed.

The ABC of exclamations is therefore not just about emotional interjections. It is linked to considerations about the emotional sphere and its manifestations, about traditions of family upbringing, about communication between the generations and about how emotions manifest themselves in them. It is about the value systemone’s own and the public one.’

The project is supported by the

Zu sehen ist eine fantasievolle Comiczeichnung von Kastuś Žhybul zum Buchstaben "A". Im Zentrum der Zeichnung steht eine einem Hahn ähnelnde Kreatur. Ein Mensch flieht vor dieser Kreatur.
Kastuś Žhybul: A
Zu sehen ist Vera Burlak. Sie steht hinter einem Mikrofon und trägt etwas vor.
Vera Burlak
© privat
Zu sehen ist ein Portrait der Komponistin Georgia Koumará, sie ist eingetaucht in violettfarbenes Licht.
Georgia Koumará
© Carmen Körner