One line
Sat 05.02.22
Theaterhaus, T1

Anonyme Bestattungen

»The composition arose from the need to write music that leaves you alone with everything without having to feel lonely. A music for funeralsin memory of those who have withdrawn from memory. Not music that expresses grief, not music that creates or amplifies moods, but music that is distant fromt the ego, that steps back behind sensibility to leave room for the sensation of those present…«.


Based on two scales shifting against each other, a large-scale collection of 225 pieces was created, in which the given tonal space is incessantly varied and traversed in manifold derivations, always different and yet similar. Nothing repeats itself, but nothing changes either.


The piece is long but does not want to force either. It is possible to enter and leave the hall at any time, possibly to reappear a second or third time at a later time. To perceive the transformations in the same form, a certain length of stay is certainly advisable.

Isabel Mundry
© Manu Theobald
Robin Hoffman
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Ensemble Ascolta
© Dominik Mentzos