One line
Fri 02.02.24
Theaterhaus, T2


Eric Wubbels: Diagrams of the Ear (Auditory Scene Analysis IV)

for two pianos and two percussionists (2023) WP

commissioned by the Fromm Foundation at Harvard University for yarn/wire


Christoph Ogiermann: Encouragements and/Contradictions and/»the history of all hitherto existing music is also the history of hand positions and fingerings«

SESSION for Yarn Wire, three additional players and electronics UA

commissioned by Musik der Jahrhunderte



Laura Barger, Klavier
Julia Den Boer, Klavier
Russel Greenberg, Schlagzeug, Piano-Inside
Sae Hashimoto, Schlagzeug, Piano-Inside


Siddhii Devii Lagrutta: voice and stuff

Gunnar Brandt-Sigurdsson: voice, electronics and stuff

Christoph Ogiermann: voice, piano, violin, electronics and stuff



»So you have this very sensual, very propulsive, very encouraging music, it’s momentary, quasi improvisando, plus at the same time polyphonic of simultaneities. All of these things apply to me and my perception of time today. An improvisational approach to the situation, a very strong use of figurations that are perhaps familiar. That’s why my piece is actually full of familiarities. But they are combined in such a way that you think, what should I choose now? Yes, exactly, because you can’t do that. You have to perceive everything at the same time. I’m sorry. I don’t have the solution…« Christoph Ogiermann


© Pascal Perich
Christoph Ogiermann
© privat
Siddhii Lagrutta
© Sasha Ilushina