One line
Fri 04.02.22
Theaterhaus, T3


»It is probably time to … take a breath, observe our inner silence, listen deeply to the ‘present voices’. ‘ Insight into humble human existence to embrace nature, to create a new era of inspiration, to find a different balance of coexistence between humans and nature.«


Liping Ting’s installation work explores marginal anthropological and ecological issues and their potential transformation in relation to collective memory. The artist practices a ritual purification process that raises awareness of geopolitical crisis and globalization.


In the hybrid performance of OOO-Intime, Liping Ting develops an interplay between the livestream of her performance in Taiwan and the live situation of the ensemble on stage. The open score with instructions on playing techniques, dynamics, intensities, and also physical movements of the musicians thus connects the sonic event with the flow of the hybrid performance.

Zu sehen ist eine Collage aus Bildern der Mitglieder*innen des ensemble mosaik. Die Bilder der Personen sind in einer Reihe angeordnet. Sie tragen weiße Klamotten und haben den rechten Arm leicht ausgestreckt. In der Mitte der Collage ist das Bild eines braunen Hundes.
ensemble mosaik
© Anja Weber