One line
Sun 04.02.24
Theaterhaus, MDJ, P1

Sacrificial G.O.A.T.

Three performances



Sacrificial G.O.A.T.

Heavy Metal Ritual WP


Original Music: Sarattma (Sara Neidorf & Matt Hollenberg)
Concept & Direction: Bastian Zimmermann & Mauro Hertig

Sarattma: Sara Neidorf, percussion & Matt Hollenberg, guitar


Rock my Religion: The no-wave film by Dan Graham with music by Patti Smith, a counter-design to the religious Shaker rituals, is the model for the Heavy Metal Ritual, which embeds the concentrated experience of Poetry Affairs in three ecstatic, ritualistic moments. Those in the audience who not only want to immerse themselves in the music, but also give free rein to a suppressed rage, can »sacrifice« sounds to the stage from isolated smash or shout booths, where they will be processed and burn up in the frenzy of Sarattma’s volume.


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v.l.n.r.: Matt Hollenberg, Mauro Hertig, Bastian Zimmermann, Sara Neidorf
© swagner