Christoph Ogiermann

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Christoph Ogiermann (*1967 in Bad Pyrmont) began composing in 1990 at the suggestion of Erwin Koch-Raphael, graduated with Younghi Pagh-Paan, Nicolas Schalz and Georges Nicolas Wolff, and has been writing music ever since. Active as a reciter, singer, violinist and keyboard player in the fields of free improvisation/conceptual improvisation and European art music. Composer. Curator. Teacher. He has also been active as a visual artist for several years.
CONTEXTUALIZING his artistic activities is increasingly a concern: whether by attributing content (texts, images, themes) or through extensive cooperation activities or through continuous work in groups (concerts, theory debates, concert organization), such as: MusikAktionsEnsembles KLANK (Bremen), Künstler*innenKollektiv TONTO (Graz), projektgruppe neue musik bremen, series REM für elektronische Musik, Gesangskurs und John-Cage-Interpretation-Award (Halberstadt).
Christoph Ogiermann lives in Bremen.