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Arne Gieshoff: notes from sick rooms

für Violine und Klavier


Notes from Sick Rooms wurde für Sarah Saviet und Joe Houston geschriebenzwei großartige Künstler*innen und Wegbegleiter*innen. Der Titel verweist auf den gleichnamigen Text von Julia Stephen, der Mutter von Virginia Woolfeine nüchterne, gelegentlich humorvolle Anleitung zur Krankenpflege im viktorianischen England.


Zwei Zitate daraus:


»Among the number of small evils which haunt illness, the greatest, in the misery which it can cause, though the smallest in size, is crumbs. The origin of most things has been decided on, but the origin of crumbs in bed has never excited sufficient attention among the scientific world, though it is a problem which has tormented many a weary sufferer. […] Anyone who has been ill will at once take her precautions, feeble though they will prove. […] When she lies back in bed, in the vain hope that she may have baffled the enemy, he is before her: a sharp crumb is buried in her back, and grains of sand seem sticking to her toes.«


»To those who have watched and suffered with the sufferer there is nothing but rest at first in the knowledge that death has come […]«

(Arne Gieshoff)